Insurance Information
约翰霍普金斯大学的医疗服务提供者参与了许多商业健康保险计划, including many of those offered by the companies listed below. 根据保险产品类型,约翰霍普金斯大学参与这些计划也有例外, employer benefit design, and physician location or specialty.
For Bill-Related Questions Call —— 855-662-3017
Insurance Plans We Accept
- Aetna
- CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
- Cigna Healthcare*
- First Health
- Geisinger Health Plan
- Humana
- Johns Hopkins Health Plans
- Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States
- MultiPlan/PHCS/Beech Street
- UnitedHealthcare**
* No Johns Hopkins Medicine physician, 供应商或设施参与Cigna Connect和Cigna sureit网络计划.
**约翰霍普金斯大学的医生和医生团体不参与MDONEX或VAONEX计划, which are offered on the Maryland and Virginia health exchanges. 约翰霍普金斯大学的医生和医生团体也没有参与Core项目, Compass, Navigate, Value or Balance plans, which are also offered on state health exchanges.
每个约翰霍普金斯医院和成员组织都有自己公认的保险. In some community hospitals and clinics, 您可能会从不参与您的保险计划的外部私人执业提供者那里接受护理.
There may be other exceptions to the above list, based upon the type of plan, network, 提供者组或其他因素是具体到每个推荐十大正规网赌平台. 请直接与您的保险公司联系,以确认您的约翰霍普金斯医疗服务提供者是否在网络中,并提供特定的健康计划.
所有患者费用分摊和未涵盖福利的费用在服务时到期. 请注意,你的保险公司可能不会支付你所有的服务. For example, 你可能需要支付自付费用(如免赔额), 共同支付和共同保险),或者您可能需要在特定地点/供应商寻求服务(如实验室和放射学服务).
Medicare Coverage
请注意,约翰霍普金斯医院和大多数约翰霍普金斯大学的医生都参加医疗保险, but we are not contracted with most Medicare Advantage Plans. 如果你的约翰霍普金斯医院没有参与医疗保险优势计划, you can use out-of-network benefits if your plan has them.
How to Prepare For Your Visit or Admission
Before your admission or appointment, 记得与你的医生讨论估计的住院时间和预期的检查和服务. 了解所有的细节是很好的,这样你就可以和你的保险公司核实一下,了解什么是包括在内的,什么是不包括在内的.
To ease a hospital admission, 一旦你的医生通知我们入院日期,我们就会开始文书工作. 入学前的协调员会打电话到你家里核实你的基本信息,比如你的雇主的名字, your home address and the type of insurance you carry.
请注意,您的健康保险计划可能要求您在接受我们的专家治疗之前获得您的初级保健提供者的推荐. Your physician will send a referral electronically, 或者在你访问约翰霍普金斯大学的时候会给你一份复印件. 我们的医护人员将与您的医生办公室合作,在必要时获得您的保险公司的授权.
许多保险公司对房费和某些服务都有承保范围限制. If you aren’t sure what is covered, 在安排预约或寻求治疗之前,请联系您的保险公司了解您的福利和费用.
有些计划可能会限制你可以接受护理的地理区域,即使是日常服务. Your plan may refer to this as a “limited network.” Johns Hopkins may not be part of your plan’s limited network.
View which documents to prepare for your visit or admission.
To ensure proper billing and prompt payment, 请务必提供有关您所有保险计划的完整信息, including Medicare and Medicaid. 如果适用,医院将向你的主要和次要运营商收费.
If you do not know which plan is primary, a financial counselor will be happy to assist you — please call 855-662-3017. 如果不是所有的保险信息在服务时收到, the bill will be the responsibility of the patient/guarantor.
What Happens After Your Visit
After each visit, 约翰霍普金斯医疗机构/成员组织将直接向您的主要付款人提交健康保险索赔, if appropriate, your secondary insurance payer. By signing the Agreement for Care Form, 您同意您的约翰霍普金斯医疗保健提供者可以直接由您的保险支付.
如果你不能全额支付你的账单,你可能有资格 a payment plan and/or financial assistance.
Patient/Guarantor Payment Responsibilities
如果您授权保险金直接支付给医院,医院将向汽车保险公司开出账单. 如果拒绝授权,费用将由患者/担保人承担.
除非你通过医院的财务咨询办公室做出了其他安排,否则医院要求全额预付非急诊住院和门诊服务费用. 欲了解更多信息,请联系账单和保险客户服务 855-662-3017.
Maryland Health Connection
马里兰州健康连接是该州的健康保险市场,它使购买更容易, compare and enroll in quality health coverage. We are committed to informing, 教育和帮助我们社区的人们参加高质量的医疗保险.
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